Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog prompt 26

Brainstorms! (In an effort to expand, improve, add complexity, and push your final projects further, please pick 10 of the following to discuss.)

  1. What is the “opposite” of your final project? How can you rework your project to include the “opposite”?                    I could create images that are depicted with the lighting as the main subject, and having figures that help bring out the light.
  2. What is a consistent theme/visual element in your project? What would be the opposite of this? How can you implement that into your project?  The consistent theme in my project is the manipulation of light, possible I could manipulate the darkness in some of my photos to create a eerie and mysterious effect.
  3. At the deepest core, describe why you like this project. Dig deep! I really enjoy photographing people, and I believe that minimal lighting with direct lighting on the figure brings out the beauty of the human form.
  4. Expand your project. If time, money, materials, etc would not affect you, how would you expand your project? I would photograph several people over the span of their lives to create a montage of their life.
  5. Contract your project. What would it boil down to if squeezed and contracted to its simplest form? The form of lighting.
  6. What would your project look like 100 years ago? What would your project look like 100 years in the future? 100 years ago would have been difficult to do because of the long exposure times. But in the future I could see new technology playing a big role in lighting, and the different effects that one could create with it.
  7. Remove something from your project. How does it change? Removing the figures from my project would leave the mind to wonder what the context of the image is more about.
  8. Think of one of your most memoable dreams. How could you add elements from this dreams to your project? One of my most memorable dreams is playing with my older brother when we were younger. I could create a dream effect through lighting, and light painting to make this possible.
  9. How would you connect your images physically and conceptually? How would you make them disconnected physically and conceptually? I could connect these both physically and conceptually by either using similar subjects or similar lighting. To break this I could use different variations of both.
  10. Name an artist/photographer/designer/videographer who would love your project. Why? Lindsay Adler would love my project because she uses the same idea to abstract the human form and brings the human form back to the simplest nature, nude.

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