Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog Prompt 24

A. Pick two images from any of the “constructed reality” photographers presented in class or linked on the assignment sheet. Describe how you could recreate these two images on a “smaller scale”.

 James Casebere and Cindy Sherman. I would create both of this images together on a smaller scale by creating a image of constructed person who resembles a piece of architecture with the ghost like emotion that one is given by viewing that of Casebere's work.

B. Describe your plans for your self-proposed final project (if the plan is the same as before, paste it here again and give a bit more detail). During the final critique for Assignment #5, you will discuss/present these ideas to the class.

Think I would like to do a series on architecture, structures and natural architecture over the coarse of the day to play with different lighting. Otherwise, I would like to create a systematic catalog of stock images that people could actually use some day.

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