On Track - 2011
Concept: On track is simply about staying on track in life and the darkness and deterrents that may lead one astray.
Method and Motivation: I wanted to keep my theme of personal struggles going and thought that this was appropriate. I brained storm about struggles that everyone goes through and came to the solution of my "on track" lighting.
Context: All of these photographs can correlate to artists portraying their own personal struggles and that of society in general to display issues at hand.
Interpretation: People interpreted this as being in the spot light, and what it takes. A few did interpret it as staying on track towards something you are shooting for.
Evaluation: In this image the shadows and other contrasting elements help make this image what it is. The ceiling was not accepted well because it was so much brighter than everything else, and I wish I would have darkened that to take away from that attraction.
Extension: I might use this as a jumping-off point for a series on light fixtures. Different types of lights with various contrasts.I think it would be interesting to also play with light painting in the same series.
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